

Welcome to Jerktown!

Well, if they say the Judges and Lawyers drink upstairs in the Saloon, the basement is for the Scoundrels and Theives.

This basement hideout is dark, cozy and always pumping out music.  Live bands play every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights featuring the best of local, original music and great acts that are just passing through.

Thursday nights in the basement revisit a golden era of speak-easy style lounge atmosphere and live improvisational jam from local talent and an open mic for spoken word, songwriters and (eek!) the occasional drunken kareoke.  The Jam Sessions are sponsored by a local, up and coming non-profit organization called Vibe Cafe, whose mission is to help creative people and artistic culture to thrive in Trenton, NJ. It’s byo gear but the basement features its own PA and house kit for your jamming convenience.

On Monday nights you descend the stairs to find a particularly provocative movie night experience: Cinomasochistic Movie Monday, run by a local aspiring filmmaker Anthony Catanese.  This, like most things you’ll find down low, is not for the feint of heart!  But, movie night is alway, always a spectacle to behold.

Tuesday and Wednesday nights in the basement occasionally feature more live music, private parties, album listening sessions, jukebox enjoyment, video games, or just plain old shootin’ the shit.

Our regulars are the best in town and the bartenders better than any around.  All are welcome, but be forewarned–additude oozes from every corner of this corner bar’s basement!  Affectionately dubbed “Jerktown,” this is the place to run at the mouth and let off some steam amongst some of the strongest personalities in town.

Our Bar Family:

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